Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Will we live on another planet someday?

Well, MY OPINION is yes, we will someday... Scientists are developing plans as we speak! If you ever watch the Science channel, or History International, you probobly already know the facts... It won't be anytime this year, or anytime soon, but it WILL happen!

Slowly, but surely, we will figure out what has to be done to be able to live outside of our atmosphere. Astronaunts have showed us the geological features of the moon, and what it would be like to stay there. They have walked on the surface, planted a flag, gathered "moon rocks" and returned safely.

What's YOUR opinion?

~Maybe we just need to bring, and leave some elements that the moon/planet lacks?

~Maybe we should send some very experienced astronaunts there NOW and let them "do their thing", and see what happens?

~How can we go about succeeding?
~What sort of things do we need to do to live on another planet?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

My question for today is:

"What do you think will be everyone's reaction when the year 2012 arrives?"

What I think, is reality is going to set in... People are going to start preparing for "The end of days as we know it."

There will be people joining groups, religions will fire up all over the world, NASA will release "unknown" broadcasts, and there will be a shortage of supplies. (i.e things humans need to survive).

What I want to know from all of you is WHAT IS YOUR OPINION?

~Are we going to have to worry about mass extinction?

~Is there going to be a "SAFE PLACE" for us to retreat to?

~Is there going to be world-wide panic?

~What will YOU be doing?